Foods to Keep Away from to Avoid Iron Anemia
Food for Health

Foods to Keep Away from to Avoid Iron Anemia

Battling with iron deficiency anemia can be a distressing struggle on a daily basis. Iron deficiency anemia is a highly common, treatable condition that is caused by a lack of iron as a result of very few healthy red blood cells in the body. It happens when the immune system breaks down because of a vitally low level of hemoglobin in one’s red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that is credited at carrying oxygen to our tissues. Typically, medical doctors will prescribe iron supplements or injections in order to manage anemia and most patients will start to feel better within months of maintaining an iron-rich diet. Eating dark leafy vegetables, beans, red meat, raisins, bananas, and seafood are some of the basic protein packed foods that build up iron levels in one’s body. Just as there’s a lot of good, wholesome foods out there to enjoy that are natural iron enablers, there are some foods and beverages that someone struggling with iron deficiency anemia should avoid: 1. Stay away from coffee, tea, and caffeinated sodas It’s advisable to not drink any beverages that contain high amounts of caffeine. Coffee and tea not only contain caffeine but also are known iron absorbers and blockers.
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Meals that Help Prevent Osteoporosis
Food for Health

Meals that Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become weak and thin. Older adults are more at risk of low bone density than people under 50 years old. As you grow older, more bone tissue is lost than is replaced. Your bones become weaker, and you may experience symptoms such as fractures, stooped posture, back pain, loss of height, and loose teeth due to bone loss of the jawbone. You can help to protect your bones by eating nutritious meals and snacks like these every day: 1. Yogurt and milk Yogurt and milk are excellent sources of calcium, and vitamin D. Dairy products are easy to include and require little preparation. Include them in your smoothie for a delicious breakfast, snack, or after workout drink. To reduce fat in your diet, select varieties that are nonfat or low-fat. For those of us who prefer non-dairy products, alternatives are available. Almond milk and rice milk are good substitutes. Make sure to check the carton to be sure they are fortified with minerals and vitamins. 2. Calcium-fortified cottage cheese You can easily incorporate it into your daily menu. Look for one that is fortified with calcium and vitamins. Eat it plain from the carton or include it in a salad or pasta dish.
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Worst Foods for Breathing Issues
Food for Health

Worst Foods for Breathing Issues

There are quite a few well known diseases that can cause difficulty with breathing. Asthma is a well known, long-term disease of the lungs that causes tightening and inflammation of the airways. Allergies can be defined as a hypersensitivity of the immune system to certain substances. Allergies can trigger asthma and affect an individual’s breathing when they come in contact with certain allergens. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is a chronic disease that affects the lungs by blocking the airway flow from it. While the majority of these diseases are long-term, there are ways to manage the symptoms in order to maintain a relatively healthy life. Diet is a major part in alleviating the symptoms of these diseases. Here are some of the worst foods for breathing issues that an individual should cut out, or consume in moderation: 1. Acidic foods and drinks Acidic foods and drinks like fruit juices, citrus, and spicy foods, can cause the acid in our stomach to rise, which will result in acid reflux. Acid reflux can trigger the symptoms in many of the listed lung diseases and therefore cause difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. 2. Carbonated beverages Carbonated beverages like soda can cause burning and tingling sensations in the throat.
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Worst Foods for Ulcerative Colitis
Food for Health

Worst Foods for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the inner lining of the colon and rectum. Colitis develops along the lining in open blisters or tissue damage, which is very painful. Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune condition, meaning it’s triggered when the body’s defence against infection goes wrong and mistakenly attacks healthy tissues. Ulcerative colitis can lead to severe life-threatening complications if not managed and treated under the care of a physician, often using medications like entyvio, stelara, and simponi. Certain foods should be avoided as they can significantly trigger ulcerative colitis symptoms, such as: 1. Carbonated beverages Carbonated drinks contain carbonic acid which irritates the digestive system. One should avoid beer and carbonated soda and drinks because most of these have caffeine too. 2. Corn Ulcerative colitis patients find it hard to digest corn as corn kernels often stay whole throughout the digestive process, hence, causing irritation and diarrhea. 3. Coffee or caffeine Tea, coffee, energy drinks, and chocolate accelerate the colon causing frequent trips to the washrooms. 4. Butter or margarine Margarine that is polyunsaturated and cooking oil especially corn and sunflower oils are examples of foods that contain linoleic acid, produced during digestion which transforms and gets into the membranes of the cells within the colon.
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Toxic Human Foods for Dogs
Food for Health

Toxic Human Foods for Dogs

When our beloved pets begin to whimper and beg whenever we sit down for a meal, oftentimes we are tempted to hand them something from our plate. But, no matter how much they beg, you should only give them dog food. Veterinarians caution that human food can cause several issues in dogs that owners need to be aware of. In this post, we list some of the worst human foods you can give a dog: 1. Raw eggs Many dog owners have claimed that one way to spice up your dog’s food is to include uncooked eggs because it’s protein content makes it one of the most healthy dog treats. While eggs are filled with protein, they can also contain E.coli and Salmonella which are just as harmful to dogs as they are to humans. In addition to that, uncooked eggs contain avidin, which is an enzyme that can decrease a dog’s ability to absorb biotin. A biotin deficiency can cause coat and skin problems. 2. Grapes and raisins Even though scientists haven’t found the specific toxic substance in raisins and grapes that cause problems in dogs, what they do know is that when dogs consume grapes and raisins it can trigger kidney failure.
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Snacks for Cholesterol
Food for Health

Snacks for Cholesterol

Cholesterol is the substance that the liver produces to make cells, produce hormones, and supply vitamins the body needs. We also get cholesterol from our diet which can lead to high levels of cholesterol in the arteries. Cholesterol is not all bad, however. The body needs this substance to perform certain functions. The good cholesterol, or HDL, carries the bad cholesterol, or LDL, to the liver to be broken down. LDL sticks to the inside of the arteries, clogging them up and increasing the risk of cardiovascular problems. Doctors may prescribe medications like repatha, praluent, and lipitor to manage high LDL cholesterol. Thankfully, eating the right foods can make a big impact on the level of cholesterol in the bloodstream: 1. Mixed nuts Nuts are high in monounsaturated fat which helps reduce LDL. Some nuts to include in a low cholesterol diet are walnuts and almonds especially. Walnuts have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Almonds are linked to the decline in LDL levels. Though these are the most effective nuts for lowering cholesterol, mixed nuts in general are a good snack to keep on hand when on a low cholesterol diet. 2. Oatmeal parfait Both oatmeal and Greek yogurt have been linked to lower levels of LDL.
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