The Best Foods for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Food for Health

The Best Foods for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep vein thrombosis is a condition wherein a blood clot solidifies in the deep veins of the legs, which can cause leg pain or swelling in the affected area. It can occur if you are confined to any kind of movement or subjected to a medical condition that can affect blood clotting in the body. While DVT is a serious condition, it can be treated with a routine diet. Zero-ing on some drinks and foods can prove to be a dose of protection from the dangerous clots of blood. Diet for DVT must include the following. Vitamin E Foods rich in vitamin E, such as walnuts, spinach, sunflower seeds, and kiwis, should be included in the diet as it acts as an anti-coagulant for the veins and helps maintain the flow of blood in the body. The medicinal spice – Ginger Ginger is an effective medicine that breaks down DVT causing fibrins and helps in the smooth flow of blood in the body. The anti-coagulant cinnamon Cinnamon is an anti-coagulant spice that acts as a blood-thinning agent and promotes blood circulation throughout the body. Its blood-thinning properties act as an anti-clotting agent. Cloves of garlic The anti-thrombotic properties of garlic help prevent blood clots; hence it is recommended to include garlic cloves in your routine diet to prevent the formation of blood clots.
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4 Food Tips for Prostate Cancer
Food for Health

4 Food Tips for Prostate Cancer

Diet has a direct impact on overall health. Therefore, if a person suffers from prostate cancer, diet can affect the development, progression, and aggressiveness of the disease. By following some nutrition tips for prostate cancer, one can ensure prostate health while they are undergoing treatment. Read on to know some seven nutrition tips for prostate cancer. Include more vegetables and fruits to your diet Vegetables and fruits are rich in natural fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and polyphenols that help reduce inflammation. However, people seem to consume fewer vegetables and fruits. If you wish to make changes to your diet, it is advisable to aim for changes you can manage. Include the following types of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Cruciferous vegetable These include kale, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. These vegetables contain phytochemicals that can lower oxygen-free radicals. This lowers the risk of development and progression of prostate cancer. Carrots These are rich in nutrients and have two essential antioxidants – falcarinol and beta-carotene – which help reduce the risk of cancer. Tomatoes Lycopene – a phytochemical – that reduces free radicals in the body can be found in abundance in tomatoes. Hence, eating tomatoes can reduce the risk of development and progression of prostate cancer.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid for Ovarian Cancer
Food for Health

Foods to Eat and Avoid for Ovarian Cancer

Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer must understand the importance of nutrition to improve overall health. Planning your diet can enrich your body with essential nutrients and improve the quality of life. Read on to know more about the foods to eat and avoid for ovarian cancer. Foods to eat Vegetables and fruits in a variety of colors Foods rich in antioxidants contain cancer-fighting properties; therefore, medical experts recommend women with ovarian cancer to include colorful fruits and vegetables to supply their bodies with flavonoids that fight free-radical damage in the body. You can consume up to 10 servings a day by filling up half of your plate with veggies. Whole grains Research suggests that whole grains contain polyphenols and lignans found in plant foods that can help prevent ovarian cancer. Lignans are crucial in a diet because they contain omega-3 fatty acids that are helpful in cancer prevention. Similarly, the fiber present in whole foods can keep your weight in check. Plant-based proteins Studies suggest that consuming plant-based protein found in soy products can lower the risk of ovarian cancer by up to 50%. You must also include foods like beans and nuts that are rich in selenium and has the potential to lower the risk of ovarian cancer.
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6 Nutrition Tips for Leukemia
Food for Health

6 Nutrition Tips for Leukemia

Diet can play an instrumental role in managing symptoms of leukemia. Medical experts recommend people to include more antioxidants and healthy foods in their diet to strengthen their body’s immune system. Read on to know more about nutrition tips for leukemia that will help you make the necessary dietary changes. Choose protein-rich food Chemotherapy can induce vomiting and nausea that can interfere with your appetite. However, a protein-rich diet will help nourish and strengthen the body by preserving muscle mass. Some good sources of proteins include nuts, oats, seeds, and soy products like tofu and soy milk. Add more whole-grains Leukemia and its treatment can deplete your body of its strength. Therefore, your diet should be replete with energy and strength, boosting nutrients and minerals. So, consider adding whole grains such as wheat bread, brown rice, whole-grain cereal, and quinoa to your diet. However, read the labels before buying products to ensure that you are getting 100% whole wheat. Variety of fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are known to fortify your immune system and fight cancer cells. So, people who are diagnosed with leukemia must consider consuming a diet of fruits and veggies every day.
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6 Food Tips to Manage Kidney Cancer
Food for Health

6 Food Tips to Manage Kidney Cancer

According to studies, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet can help in managing symptoms of kidney cancer. Read on to know more about diet to manage kidney cancer that includes foods to eat and avoid to strengthen your immunity and keep you healthy. Foods to eat Add more fruits and vegetables When you consume healthy foods daily, it helps your body revive tissues, strengthen your immunity, and maintain energy levels to fight kidney cancer. Well-balanced diets include plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain radical-fighting antioxidants and other essential nutrients. Consume 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Include more whole foods Whole wheat bread, wheat pasta, and wild rice supply your body with essential nutrients that keep you energetic. They also contain fiber, iron, and infection-fighting vitamin B that fortifies the immune system. Plant-based proteins Proteins help build muscle and preserve muscle mass. Consume soy products, beans, and legumes to supply protein to your body. However, too much protein can impede kidney functions. So speak with your doctor or dietician to calculate the right amount of protein in your diet. Foods to avoid Foods that are high in salt Salt is known to disrupt fluid balance in the body, causing high blood pressure.
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Beneficial and Harmful Foods for Asthmatics
Food for Health

Beneficial and Harmful Foods for Asthmatics

Asthma is a condition in which the swollen airway produces extra mucus that leads to shortness of breath, a wheezing sound, difficulty breathing, and coughing. People with the condition can benefit from certain foods or a particular diet that can help manage the condition or the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Let’s look at some foods to eat and avoid for asthma: Foods to eat to treat asthma Eating fresh fruits and following a nutritious diet helps manage asthmatic symptoms and also boosts immunity. Research says that a shift from a nutritious diet to eating processed foods leads to an increase in asthmatic symptoms, so here are some foods that should be added to the regular diet: Vitamin D-rich foods Vitamin D helps reduce asthma attacks, especially in children aging 6 to 15 years. This vitamin is present in milk, fortified milk, and fortified orange juice. It lowers the immune responses that can potentially trigger asthma attacks. Vitamin A-rich foods Adequate and higher levels of vitamin A in the blood correspond to better lung functioning and help manage the symptoms of asthma. Some good sources of this vitamin are carrots, green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe, and spinach.
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Immune System Boosting Foods to Avoid Cold and Flu
Food for Health

Immune System Boosting Foods to Avoid Cold and Flu

Flu season is upon us, and with the cold comes sickness. Although flu season doesn’t necessarily mean you will get sick for sure, the chances are higher than average & it pays to be mindful of any symptoms regarding the flu. The most common symptoms for the flu include a fever and/or feeling feverish chills, manic coughing, a runny/stuffy nose, muscle & headaches as well as general fatigue. Thanks to most of these symptoms being surface level, it is relatively easy to deduce whether one has the flu early on or not. That said, you can also help alleviate or prevent your sickness altogether by merely consuming some healthy, simple superfoods. Here’s a tidy little list of some that will work wonders: 1. Ginger Ginger has an extensive history of being used as a remedy for colds. To start with, the herb has medical properties capable of reducing inflammation and soothing a particularly sore throat. When fresh, ginger is also highly anti-bacterial and can be used to ward off the cold to begin with. 2. Citrus Probably contrary to intuitive belief, citrus fruits also have some helpful properties for combating the cold. The white layer of skin, in particular, contains flavonoids that aid in boosting your immune system and speeding up your recovery.
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Foods that May Trigger Breast Cancer
Food for Health

Foods that May Trigger Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is still a leading cancer type in women. Breast cancer patients often have a variety of telltale symptoms, such as irritation on breast skin, nipple discharge, pain around the area of the breast, irritation and pulling on the breast skin, flaky skin around the nipple area, noticeable or alarming change in the breast size, a new lump under your armpit, and breast retraction. Several scientific studies report that some foods can trigger or contribute to breast cancer development: 1. Alcoholic beverages Alcohol increases estrogen levels in women. Estrogen is a naturally occurring hormone in the body; it is critical for sexual development. Prior to menopause, the hormone is produced in the ovaries. Right after menopause, the hormone is produced as fat tissue. Studies indicate that these fat tissues contribute to the rise in the number of breast cancer cases. 2. Added sugar Naturally, the cells in the body require energy to develop. This energy can be found in sugar. Glucose in the body comes from different types of sugary foods in the diet. The sugar is broken down into glucose. Sugar found in the body contains carbohydrates. It accelerates their growth. Cancer cells feed on sugar. In other words, it is possible that if you stop consuming foods with added sugar, it may help stop cancer from developing or growing.
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Lung Cancer Trigger Foods
Food for Health

Lung Cancer Trigger Foods

As with any type of cancer, causes and symptoms of lung cancer need to be detected early so treatments can be most effective. Lung cancer symptoms include breathing issues, coughing, blood in mucus, and changes in appetite. Lung cancer patients may also develop Superior Vena Cava Syndrome (SVC), which is the blockage or compression of the large vein running from the head to arms, to heart, and/or Paraneoplastic Syndrome, which occurs when cancer-fighting antibodies or white blood cells (T cells) mistakenly attack normal cells causing hormonal and organ issues. While undergoing treatment for lung cancer, patients are often told to avoid certain foods: 1. Acidic foods and drinks Some foods that would be thought to be healthy are alkaline, which studies find that cancer cells thrive in. A body can control acid levels between 7.35 and 7.45, however, if the pH level is too acidic or alkaline it can cause health problems or become life-threatening. Vegetables, fruits, and seeds are alkaline and some common meats, beans, nuts, and grains are acidic and high consumption can cause high alkaline levels. 2. Cold cuts Cold cuts are preserved by smoking, salting, and curing along with chemical preservatives for processed meat. The American Institute for Cancer Research found that every 50 grams of processed meat on a daily menu increases cancer chances by 16%.
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Foods that Cause Dry Eyes
Food for Health

Foods that Cause Dry Eyes

Chronic dry eye symptoms can be frustrating to deal with. There are several treatments that are available for dry eyes. However, it is important for you to watch your diet. You may be eating foods that contribute to dry eye symptoms. It is a good idea for you to avoid eating the following foods as much as you can: 1. Salty foods Avoid salty foods as much as possible. It will be a lot harder for your eyes to produce the tears that naturally keep your eyes moist. When you are cooking, you should use spices and seasonings that are low in sodium. You will also need to avoid consuming processed food. Most processed foods are high in sodium. Eat as much fresh food as you can. 2. Sugary foods and drinks Excess sugar intake has been linked to dry eye syndrome. That is why you will need to avoid sugary foods and drinks as much as possible. If you struggle with sugar, then you should look at healthier alternatives. For example, you can eat fruit when you are craving something sugary. Many people use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. However, artificial sweeteners can also dry out your eyes. You should find other ways to sweeten your foods and drinks.
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