DIY Remedies to Treat Plant Toxicity in Cats
Natural remedies

DIY Remedies to Treat Plant Toxicity in Cats

Plants and flowers are something most of us place in our homes to add beauty. However, it’s essential to know some of these are particularly poisonous for cats if you’re a cat owner. Cats love to chew on these plants and flowers out of curiosity or due to boredom. However, some plants can cause life-threatening poisoning in cats, and there are some effective remedies at home to treat plant toxicity in cats. Home care and preventive techniques go a long way in ensuring the safety of your cat. While prevention is your best bet, there are some DIY techniques you can adopt to treat plant toxicity in cats. Activated charcoal powder This is a highly beneficial product to ensure the well-being of your cat poisoned by a toxic plant. While it can address poisoning from any plant, it’s a proven remedy to effectively eliminate lily poisoning. It can remove toxins completely from your cat’s kidneys and body and is absolutely tasteless. Your cat won’t even notice the activated charcoal powder in its food. It can absorb large amounts of gases, heavy metals, chemicals, and other poisons from your cat’s body to ensure maximum safety. Fluid therapy This is the act of giving Subcutaneous (SQ) fluid administration directly into the part under your cat’s skin.
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Natural Remedies to Eliminate Dog Fleas and Ticks
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Natural Remedies to Eliminate Dog Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are the bane of any dog owner, and it can be frustrating for both you and your beloved pet. Fleas and ticks cause constant irritation to your dog, leading to excessive scratching and other infections. These parasites feed on the blood of your dog and are a constant strain on your mind. While the great outdoors give ample amounts of recreation for your pet, they also make way for increased development of flea eggs and ticks that can settle anywhere in your home. However, there are safe and natural remedies to help your dog get rid of these unwelcome guests easily. Mint leaves Mint smells great and is highly soothing to the skin and a natural defense against fleas. The formula contains freshly-squeezed lemon juice that is mixed with apple cider vinegar in warm water. Around ten mint leaves are soaked in this solution and left overnight. After a day, you can strain the mixture into a bottle and spray it on your dog’s body regularly for remarkable results. Natural oils Essential or natural oils are a great option to treat fleas and ticks naturally in dogs. They can be diluted in dog shampoo in moderate quantities.
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Lifestyle Tips to Manage Colon Cancer
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Lifestyle Tips to Manage Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is cancer that begins in the large intestine, which is the last part of the digestive tract. It can lead to a tumor formation in the inner walls of the large intestine. It is the third most common type of cancer in males and the fourth in females in the USA. Given below are some lifestyle changes to manage colon cancer and prevent a relapse of this disease. Quit smoking Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Not only do smokers have a higher risk of developing colon cancer, but they also are more prone to dying from it. Quitting smoking helps in reducing the risk of progression of the disease. The body system will improve when you make this important choice. Avoid the consumption of alcohol The consumption of alcohol has been linked to a greater risk of developing or aggravating colon cancer. The evidence for this is generally stronger in men than in women. So, avoid alcoholic beverages if you suffer from this disease. Eat healthy food Eating a nutritious diet that is rich in fiber and whole grains is imperative. Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, and pecans are particularly beneficial.
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Causes and Natural Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy
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Causes and Natural Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Spinal muscle atrophy, or SMA, is a condition that commonly affects children and babies, which hampers their ability to use muscles. In children with SMA, the nerve cells present in the spinal cord and the brain break down. While the condition isn’t curable, it can be managed with extensive therapy and medication in most cases. Here’s what you need to know about the causes and natural treatment options for SMA. Causes of SMA Learning about who is at risk of the condition, the causes, and natural treatment options for SMA can help a lot of parents to give their children a better life. The condition occurs when the motor neurons present in the brain stem or the spinal cord do not work. It can also be caused when these motor neurons stop functioning due to any changes in the survival genes, which are SMN1 and SMN2. The genes SMN1 and SMN2 are responsible for providing instructions to produce proteins, which is important for the functioning of the motor neurons. While any changes to SMN1 causes SMA, any problems with SMN2 will determine the severity and the type of SMA. The genetic problems that can cause the condition are found in 1 in every 40 to 60 adults.
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5 Alternative Remedies for Dry Eyes
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5 Alternative Remedies for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is a fairly common condition in the country. It is a condition in which the eyes’ tear glands do not produce enough lubrication to keep the eyes hydrated. This can cause a lot of discomfort. It is recommended that you see an eye doctor for dry eyes. In the meantime, here are some alternative remedies for dry eyes to follow: Take a break from the screen If you use your laptop or smartphone too much, it is time to take a break from the screen. The constant staring at these screens can put unnecessary pressure on your eyes. It can also lead to dry eyes. So, take frequent breaks and look out of the window at work or home to relax your eyes. Increase the number of times you blink We often do not blink enough. Blinking is known to promote eye health overall. So make sure to take time to blink each day for your eye health. Do a blinking activity every day between work. Close your eyes for two seconds or so and then open them. Repeat it the second time but now, squeeze the eyelids slightly. Repeat this often throughout the day. Sleep well every day Lack of sleep can lead to the onset of dry eyes.
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How to Manage Sleep Apnea Naturally
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How to Manage Sleep Apnea Naturally

Sleep apnea is a condition where the patient’s breathing repeatedly starts and stops at night, causing them to wake up from sleep multiple times. There are various different types of the condition and it is important to know how to manage sleep apnea naturally as not all cases require immediate medical assistance. Depending on the type and severity of the disorder, certain lifestyle changes can be made at home. Let us look at some natural ways to deal with sleep apnea: Maintain a healthy body weight Obesity and being overweight is one of the common causes of sleep apnea. The extra fat, which is collected around the windpipe region, causes the path to get narrowed and clogged. This leads to obstruction in breathing. Following a healthy diet and eating less fatty food, sugar, and dairy products can help to reduce body fat, which can help reduce the fat deposits in the airways. Exercising and yoga Exercising regularly helps to reduce body fat and increase blood circulation in the body, which allows more oxygen to be distributed in the body. This helps the system to overcome fatigue caused by sleep apnea. Yoga and breathing exercises help your body to gain more control over the breathing muscles and decrease breathing issues.
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Important Lifestyle Changes to Manage Migraine Naturally
Natural remedies

Important Lifestyle Changes to Manage Migraine Naturally

What lifestyle choices you pick will determine the frequency and the intensity of your migraine attacks. Thankfully, there are a lot of lifestyle changes that you can make to manage the excruciatingly painful migraine headaches. Here are some of those significant lifestyle changes to manage migraines naturally.  Cut your caffeine intake Caffeinated drinks such as soda, coffee, and tea are often associated with headache relief. This happens because before the migraine hits, the blood vessels are wide open. With the intake of caffeine, these vessels narrow down and give relief from the pain. This might work for some people. But there are others for whom caffeine might work as a trigger for migraine attacks. Once the effect of caffeine starts to phase out, it can trigger a rebound migraine attack. A cup of coffee at times is alright. But if headaches are a frequent visitor, you must limit your coffee intake to once in a while. Relieve stress People who suffer from stress are more prone to experience frequent headaches. Therefore, one of the most important lifestyle changes to manage migraine is to lower the stress levels. Migraine patients should learn ways to bring down the stress levels that they experience in their day-to-day lives.
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7 Effective Home Remedies to Manage Gout
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7 Effective Home Remedies to Manage Gout

People who are diagnosed with gout have high levels of uric acid in their blood. They need to keep an eye on their eating habits. With a proper diet, it is possible to control high uric acid levels. So, let us take a look at the most effective home remedies to control high levels of uric acid: Apple cider vinegar Those who have high levels of uric acid should increase their intake of apple cider vinegar. All they need to do is add three teaspoons of vinegar with one glass of water and have about two to three cups daily. Apples Apples, as we all know, are very good for our health. Many people do not know that apples are also very useful in lowering the uric acid level in a person’s body. Water We have always been advised to have an adequate amount of water daily. This is because water is essential to clear out the toxins present in our bodies. It is also instrumental in lowering uric acid levels too. French bean juice One of the most effective remedies to treat high uric acid levels is to extract the juice of French bean juice. This juice is recommended to be had twice a day, which helps lower the production of uric acid.
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5 Recommended Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage Cervical Cancer
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5 Recommended Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage Cervical Cancer

After being diagnosed with cervical cancer, there is a lot you need to learn to cope with. It takes a toll on your mental and physical wellbeing trying to keep up with the medications and the appointments alone. However, all you need to do is make small lifestyle changes to help manage cervical cancer effectively. Here are some tips to help you get a head start.  Manage your diet Work with your doctor to decide the best treatment for you. It may be a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, among other things. However, these treatment options can have side effects such as loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, and even weight gain. The best way to heal faster, manage the side effects, and lower your chances of infection is to include rich foods in your diet. Therefore, supplement your diet with foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables. Additionally, you must also ensure that you get plenty of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals through your meals.  Exercise daily These treatments may make you feel tired and stressed. Therefore, consider discussing with your doctor about an exercise routine that you can follow along with your treatment. Upon approval from your doctor, even a low-impact 30 minutes of brisk walking a day will make a huge difference in the way you feel.  Consider estrogen replacement therapy If you are undergoing chemotherapy as a treatment for cervical cancer, then you may experience sexual side effects such as loss of libido and vaginal dryness.
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6 Simple yet Effective Ways to Treat Cold and Flu
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6 Simple yet Effective Ways to Treat Cold and Flu

Cold and flu are common health troubles that most people face. Many medications are used to cure the flu, but this is not the only way to relieve the cold and flu. There are many other options, so let’s take a look at some of the best remedies for cold and flu: Try having honey Honey is widely known to help people who are down with a cold or suffering from the flu. This is effective for adults as well as children. You can even choose to mix honey with hot tea and have it to enjoy the soothing benefits of the tea as well. Keep sipping warm liquids One of the most common and recognized methods to treat cold and flu is to keep sipping warm liquids. This is the reason people are recommended to sip on warm water when they are down with a cold or the flu. Plus, hot meals that have warm liquids like warm apple juice and chicken soup are greatly helpful in treating the symptoms. Hot foods and drinks provide relief by increasing mucus flow and easing nasal congestion. Use a vaporizer Another effective remedy for cold and flu is to humidify one’s home.
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