5 Foods to Avoid for Heavy Sweating
Food for Health

5 Foods to Avoid for Heavy Sweating

Sweating is a result of many factors, including physical activity, warm weather, certain emotions like fear and anger, and stress. Excessive sweating, which is known as hyperhidrosis in the medical world, is when excessive sweating occurs without any of these common factors triggering it. While there are several ways to control excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, some foods might trigger the condition. The following are a few foods and beverages that can cause excessive sweating and should be avoided by people with hyperhidrosis: Salt Salt is the most commonly consumed food that makes the body sweat a lot. Excess salt is disposed of by the body through sweat and urine. Any food that has a large amount of sodium should be avoided by people with hyperhidrosis. Apart from helping manage excessive sweating, consuming less salt promotes heart health. Caffeine-rich foods and beverages While coffee is a great way to get you up and going for the day, caffeinated foods and beverages can also cause excessive sweating. Coffee instantly puts the nervous system in action and increases the heart rate, resulting in the blood pressure shooting up. As a result, the body activates the sweat glands. The internal body temperature also rises as a result of the heat produced by coffee, so the pores in the skin open up further, causing excessive sweating.
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8 Meal Tips for Patients with COPD
Food for Health

8 Meal Tips for Patients with COPD

People diagnosed with COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease should know expert tips on what to eat in COPD. COPD is a chronic lung disorde, and eating the wrong kinds of foods can worsen its symptoms. To help you, here is a list of expert tips on what to eat in COPD. To begin with, it is important to stick to a diet plan that is rich in fat but low in carbohydrates. When you cut down your intake of carbohydrates, the body produces less carbon dioxide, making it beneficial for people with COPD. A ketogenic diet focuses on lower carb intake, and studies have shown that COPD patients respond better to a low-carb, high-fat diet instead of simply a high-carb diet. A COPD patient must include more proteins in meals. One can choose from pastured poultry, eggs, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, and grass-fed meat. Complex carbs are harder to digest, keeping one feeling full for hours. Instead of eating refined carbs, choose complex carbs like quinoa, beans, lentils, potatoes with skin, oats, and bran. Such foods are loaded with fiber and greatly improve digestion and blood glucose management. Eating more fresh vegetables and fruits is beneficial for COPD patients and is one of the most advised expert tips on what to eat in COPD.
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9 Foods to Help Manage Bipolar Depression
Food for Health

9 Foods to Help Manage Bipolar Depression

Bipolar disorder is defined by unusual mood swings that can be extreme or mild in nature. Although there is no special diet for patients suffering from this condition, studies have shown that the right dietary choices can help manage symptoms of bipolar depression. Read on to know the foods that can help in bipolar depression. Whole grains: Whole grains help in better digestion and cardiovascular health as they are fiber-rich. Furthermore, whole grains are known to have a calming effect on the mind. Carbs boost serotonin production, and this feel-good chemical can make one feel emotionally stable, reducing anxiety. Some examples of whole-grain choices include whole-grain pasta or bread, quinoa, brown rice, and oatmeal. Selenium: Foods containing selenium such as tuna, sardines, and halibut are foods that can help in bipolar depression. Selenium helps with healthy brain functions and stabilizes mood swings. Other sources of selenium include shrimp, steak, turkey, beef liver, and Brazil nuts. Fatty fish: Salmon, herring, and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids that regulate the functions of nerve cells and boost signals between cells. Research is being conducted to find whether omega-3 fatty acids can successfully treat bipolar disorder, depression, and other mental health issues.
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7 Essential Lifestyle Changes to Manage Ulcerative Colitis
Food for Health

7 Essential Lifestyle Changes to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis or UC is one of the most common types of inflammatory bowel diseases. UC symptoms start in the large intestine and can often be severe, resulting in difficulties carrying out regular activities. Research shows that profound lifestyle changes to manage ulcerative colitis can help patients lead normal lives even with the condition. Read on to know seven essential lifestyle changes to manage ulcerative colitis. Diet: Implementing small dietary changes can go a long way in alleviating symptoms of UC. While  no one diet can cure ulcerative colitis, there are some nutritional tips that can help manage the condition better. Eat 5 to 6 small meal portions every day instead of 3 large meals. Drink lots of fluids because dehydration is a common symptom of ulcerative colitis. Avoid or reduce intake of alcohol and caffeine to reduce diarrhea and gas. Keeping a food diary helps as one can track foods that improve or trigger symptoms. This helps one eliminate foods that trigger symptoms from their diet completely. However, one must not eliminate entire food groups; for instance, avoiding all dairy foods may not be a wise decision because then your body is deprived of necessary minerals and vitamins. Low-fiber diet: It is best to stick to a low-fiber diet or low-residue diet, which alleviates UC symptoms and prevents aggravation.
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7 Easy, Classic Cocktails for Any Event
Food for Health

7 Easy, Classic Cocktails for Any Event

What’s a party with friends without some cocktails? If you are someone who is fond of entertaining guests at home over the weekend, you should know how to stir up some easy cocktails for all events. Making cocktails does not have to be complicated. Even without professional bartending skills, you should be able to manage these with elan. Read on to know ten easy cocktails for all events that you can serve your guests. Bloody Mary: This has been a staple drink over the years, perfectly suited for brunches. It is ideal for those who are not excessively fond of sweet-tasting cocktails. You will need tomato juice, vodka, lemon juice, Tabasco and Worcester sauce, salt, and pepper. You can serve this in hurricane glasses with celery sticks and lemon wedges. Gin & Tonic: This is a warm-weather cocktail and is prepared using tonic water, dry gin, and a lime wedge. You can pour the mix over ice and garnish using a lime wedge. Martini: This classic drink is easy to prepare, and you simply need dry vermouth and gin. The contents are poured into an ice-filled metal shaker or mixing glass and then stirred well. It is finally presented in a cocktail glass and garnished using lemon peels.
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8 Foods that Soothe Eczema Flare-Ups
Food for Health

8 Foods that Soothe Eczema Flare-Ups

The most common inflammatory skin condition, eczema, is often accompanied by irregular patches of dry, itchy rashes, and oozing blisters. While the condition commonly affects children below two years, it can develop at any age. While there’s no cure available, a healthy and nutritious diet can contain the symptoms of eczema. Read on to know more about the best foods to soothe eczema flare-ups. Foods rich in probiotics Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut and support a strong immune system. They are highly effective in reducing flare-ups and allergic reactions that can lead to eczema. These foods include low-fat yogurt, kombucha, kefir, tempeh, miso soup, and sourdough bread. Foods containing quercetin This compound is a plant-based flavonoid that gives several fruits, vegetables, and flowers their color. They are powerful antioxidants that fight inflammation and reduce histamine levels in the body. Choose foods like apples, blueberries, leafy vegetables, red onions, nectarines, broccoli, and black/green tea. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance in most seafood and certain plants and are not produced by humans naturally. These powerhouse compounds significantly reduce the symptoms of eczema and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory properties soothe the condition without side-effects.
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Important Nutritional Tips for Hepatitis C
Food for Health

Important Nutritional Tips for Hepatitis C

Although there is no specific diet for hepatitis C, eating healthy foods and avoiding junk can help go a long way. Our diet has a direct impact on the liver. Therefore, ensuring proper nutrition can give a boost to your liver health and can be useful in reducing the impact of the condition. So, here are some important nutritional tips for hepatitis C you should keep in mind. Eat more vegetables and fruits Eating more vegetables and fruits means you are giving your body ample fiber, vitamins B-6, B-12, A, and C, and folic acid. To ensure sufficient intake, add at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in your diet. To make sure that you are getting all the essential vitamins, try to add a variety of them. Most fruits are also low in calories, sodium, and fat content. Canned or frozen vegetables can also be picked if you don’t get some fresh ones. However, make sure that they do not have any added salts. Try to buy as many seasonal vegetables as possible. When you buy them in their season, they are richer in nutrients, and will be extremely flavorful. Include more dairy products One of the important nutritional tips for hepatitis C is to add more dairy products to your diet.
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5 Foods to Avoid for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Food for Health

5 Foods to Avoid for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a condition that constricts the arteries responsible for transporting highly oxygenated blood from your heart to the lungs. People are suffering from PAH experience dizziness, nausea, and breathing difficulties. The best way to control PAH is by following a healthy lifestyle. Since what you eat is also important, let us talk about five foods to avoid pulmonary arterial hypertension. Avoid intake of excessive salt Doctors often advise health seekers first to lower their salt consumption. Salt is present in pickles, canned foods, etc. Therefore, choosing fresh ingredients over packaged foods can help keep the amount of salt you consume in check. Additionally, you should always taste your food before adding extra salt. However, if you are worried about compromising the flavor, consider adding spices and herbs instead of oregano and garlic. Avoid too many fluids People suffering from PAH are often placed on a fluid restriction of no more than two liters a day. However, you can discuss with your doctor about the fluid intake specific to your case. If you think you are gaining weight in a day, you may be getting more fluid than necessary. You need to avoid too many fluids to prevent their buildup in your body.
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ADHD – Foods to Eat and Avoid
Food for Health

ADHD – Foods to Eat and Avoid

It is a proven fact that the diet a person follows plays a significant role in them getting affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some foods are considered healthy and improve a person who has ADHD, while some foods should be completely avoided.  Let us take a look at the foods to eat and avoid to manage ADHD: Foods to eat High proteins Healthcare professionals instruct those who have ADHD to increase their protein intake in their daily diet. Now we all know that proteins are good for our health, but they are also critical in helping people with ADHD. This is because having a protein-rich diet helps improve a person’s concentration and enhances the medications’ effects that people have ADHD are taking. Carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates are also considered to be a significant improvement for those who have ADHD. This is why people who have ADHD should include tangerines, oranges, apples, pears, grapefruits, and kiwis in their diet. These items help in improving the sleeping habits of those who have ADHD. Nutritional supplements It is quite common for healthcare professionals to push people who have ADHD to take mineral and vitamin supplements every day. However, the dosage of these supplements must be under the supervision of the healthcare professional.
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Foods to Avoid for Hemophilia Patients
Food for Health

Foods to Avoid for Hemophilia Patients

Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot normally due to a lack of clotting factors. The blood loses its ability to clot normally due to which a person tends to bleed severely from even a slight injury or bruise. Hemophilia is a genetic disorder of lack of coagulation factor VIII. People with hemophilia require a special diet to manage it. Certain foods should be avoided when a person has hemophilia. People with hemophilia should eat a healthy diet and must maintain healthy body weight. Excessive weight increases the chances of bleeding as it puts a strain on the joints. People with this rare disorder need healthy bones and dental framework, as gum diseases can lead to bleeding gums. Some foods to avoid to manage hemophilia are as follows. High-fat or full-fat dairy products Avoiding foods that are rich in fats should be avoided. Instead, low -fat dairy products are beneficial for people with hemophilia as they contain many essential vitamins and minerals which do not contain fats that lead to any heart diseases. Avoiding fried foods or frying of food Fried foods increase the weight of the person as they are full of calories and offer minimal nutritional value to food.
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