9 Foods That Soothe IBS Symptoms

9 Foods That Soothe IBS Symptoms

Diet plays a critical part in life if one suffers from IBS. The right diet can help prevent aggravating symptoms of IBS and provide relief. Therefore, it is necessary that one includes foods in their diet that soothes IBS symptoms. To help you, here are nine foods that soothe IBS symptoms.

  • Fruits
    Fruits are nutrient-dense and are great for people with IBS. You should choose fruits that are low in FODMAPs such as grapes, mandarin oranges, avocado, cantaloupe, kiwi, papaya, banana, tangelo, honeydew melon, pineapple, blueberry, and strawberry.
  • Seeds
    Flax seeds and chia seeds are particularly helpful for people who have IBS because they contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. You can add these seeds to oatmeal or put them in smoothies.
  • Lean meats
    Lean meats have proteins that can be digested easily by your body, making them foods that soothe IBS. You can eat meats such as white meat turkey, lean cuts of beef, white meat chicken, and pork. You can eat dark meat turkey and chicken as well occasionally.
  • Eggs
    For someone with IBS, eggs are a great option because they can be digested with ease. You can have scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, or any way you like them. You can even opt for omelets for your breakfast if you want.
  • Vegetables
    Vegetables can be tricky for people with IBS because some can cause gas. However, you can start by eating eggplant, carrots, fennel, broccoli, bell peppers, tomato, zucchini, potato, and squash.
  • Nuts
    Nuts make one feel full, making them healthy foods that soothe IBS. Nuts that contain monounsaturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber are particularly beneficial. Some nuts that have low-FODMAP include walnuts, almonds, pecan, hazelnuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, and Macadamia nuts.
  • Green leafy vegetables
    Eating cooked green leafy vegetables is good for people with IBS. Some people can tolerate raw green leafy vegetables in juices as well. You can start by eating greens such as bok choy, lettuce, Swizz chard, kale, arugula, radicchio, collard greens, baby spinach, endive, and common cabbage.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
    Experts believe that the consumption of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids prevents inflammation, which is an IBS symptom. Some fish that are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include whitefish, mackerel, wild-caught salmon, anchovies, rainbow trout, black cod, sardines, and herring.
  • Fermented foods
    Fermented foods such as kefir, kombucha, plain yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut can help ease IBS symptoms. These foods contain natural probiotics that are beneficial for people with IBS. You should ensure that you are eating a limited amount of fermented foods each day.

Now that you know about foods that soothe IBS, add them to your diet. However, do not forget to consult your doctor before making any drastic changes.