How to Help a Pregnant Pet Travel Comfortably
Traveling with your pet can be fun, exciting, and highly satisfying. However, traveling with a pregnant pet is a different story. While travel restrictions for pregnant humans are pretty straight-forward, they’re more complicated for pregnant pets. While you have to take extra precautions to ensure your pregnant pet’s safety and comfort throughout the journey, you need to know that both the mother and the baby are more vulnerable during travel.
Carry more food
Your pregnant pet will eat more food than what is considered normal during pregnancy. This is to ensure the pet and its baby don’t end up starving or exhausted due to a lack of sufficient food. Discuss with your vet and carry an adequate amount of food to last until you reach the destination.
Note the gestation period
Remember that dogs are pregnant for only two months, and the first three weeks are incredibly delicate. Your dog requires a very high protein diet of either beef or chicken. Make sure that these foods are available in the destination you’re traveling to. Likewise, it’s advisable to carry the same from home for your pet for the journey.
Make frequent stops
When you’re traveling by car, your heavily pregnant pet will need small meals frequently. Since the puppies exert a lot of pressure on the stomach, your pregnant pet cannot eat a lot of food at one go. Stop more often to feed your pregnant dog small amounts of food. However, if you’re flying, talk to your vet before going ahead, as food requirements can change.
Check for travel-related anxiety
If you know your pet is prone to travel anxiety, it’s important to discuss with your vet about the precautions to take before traveling. While some pregnant pets can travel by making some adjustments to their food habits and other requirements, most pregnant pets suffer from travel-related anxiety.
Isolate your dog from other pets
Your pregnant pet is highly vulnerable to infections, and it’s advisable to keep your pet away from other pets who are traveling. In these times, even normal health problems can prove to be risky to a pregnant pet due to the increased stress levels of travel.
Make arrangements for relieving
Your pregnant pet will need to relieve herself very often due to the additional pressure puppies exert on the bladder. Make sure to carry a litter-free container or a collectible item to ensure she relieves herself comfortably without any mess.
Your pregnant pet requires a lot of exercises to avoid getting stressed during travel. Make sure she gets an adequate amount of exercise at home before going on a journey. This ensures your pet remains fit and calm throughout the journey.
Carry your pet’s health records
It’s vital to carry your pregnant pet’s medical documents with you to ensure your pet’s safety. These medical records will help you travel in peace, knowing the medical rules and treatment options available in the destination prior to traveling.