9 Foods to Help Manage Bipolar Depression

9 Foods to Help Manage Bipolar Depression

Bipolar disorder is defined by unusual mood swings that can be extreme or mild in nature. Although there is no special diet for patients suffering from this condition, studies have shown that the right dietary choices can help manage symptoms of bipolar depression. Read on to know the foods that can help in bipolar depression.

  • Whole grains: Whole grains help in better digestion and cardiovascular health as they are fiber-rich. Furthermore, whole grains are known to have a calming effect on the mind. Carbs boost serotonin production, and this feel-good chemical can make one feel emotionally stable, reducing anxiety. Some examples of whole-grain choices include whole-grain pasta or bread, quinoa, brown rice, and oatmeal.
  • Selenium: Foods containing selenium such as tuna, sardines, and halibut are foods that can help in bipolar depression. Selenium helps with healthy brain functions and stabilizes mood swings. Other sources of selenium include shrimp, steak, turkey, beef liver, and Brazil nuts.
  • Fatty fish: Salmon, herring, and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids that regulate the functions of nerve cells and boost signals between cells. Research is being conducted to find whether omega-3 fatty acids can successfully treat bipolar disorder, depression, and other mental health issues.
  • Beans: Chickpeas, lima beans, and black beans are excellent sources of magnesium. This helps reduce mania symptoms among patients with bipolar depression.
  • Turkey: Turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid that has sleep-inducing effects. It also helps in the production of serotonin that can regulate mood swings. High serotonin levels can help tackle depression. Besides turkey, eggs, tofu, and cheese are other sources of tryptophan.
  • Nuts: Nuts are one of the foods that can help in bipolar depression as they have a positive effect on episodes of mania. Adding almonds and cashews to the diet helps calm a hyper nervous system and maintain stable cortisol levels. Furthermore, nuts are magnesium-rich foods, and deficiency of this mineral has been linked to heightened stress levels.
  • Probiotics: The stomach microbiome has healthy bacteria that boost the body’s immune functions. It can also prevent inflammation. Depression causes increased inflammation in the body. Good bacteria in the gut help control emotional health and help release serotonin. Excellent sources of probiotics are yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir.
  • Herbal tea: Teas like chamomile, has always been used to treat upset stomachs, insomnia, and anxiety. Studies suggest that herbal tea can also help in easing symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is one of the recommended foods for people with mental health issues. This is because dark chocolate has a calming effect and lowers stress levels.