8 Foods that Soothe Eczema Flare-Ups

8 Foods that Soothe Eczema Flare-Ups

The most common inflammatory skin condition, eczema, is often accompanied by irregular patches of dry, itchy rashes, and oozing blisters. While the condition commonly affects children below two years, it can develop at any age. While there’s no cure available, a healthy and nutritious diet can contain the symptoms of eczema. Read on to know more about the best foods to soothe eczema flare-ups.

  • Foods rich in probiotics

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut and support a strong immune system. They are highly effective in reducing flare-ups and allergic reactions that can lead to eczema. These foods include low-fat yogurt, kombucha, kefir, tempeh, miso soup, and sourdough bread.

  • Foods containing quercetin

This compound is a plant-based flavonoid that gives several fruits, vegetables, and flowers their color. They are powerful antioxidants that fight inflammation and reduce histamine levels in the body. Choose foods like apples, blueberries, leafy vegetables, red onions, nectarines, broccoli, and black/green tea.

  • Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance in most seafood and certain plants and are not produced by humans naturally. These powerhouse compounds significantly reduce the symptoms of eczema and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory properties soothe the condition without side-effects. Ensure to include fishes and seafood like oysters, mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, herring, and anchovies in your diet. Alternatively, you can consume omega-3 fatty acid supplements like cod-liver oil.

  • Flaxseed oil

Flax seeds are loaded with several essential nutrients, including a rich dose of omega-3 fatty acids that moisturize the skin. It has a direct and soothing effect on the skin since eczema is a dry and patchy skin condition.

  • Red cabbage

It’s full of a skin-protecting pigment called anthocyanin. Red cabbage is also full of alkalizing quality, is anti-inflammatory that soothes the immune system, and promotes liver health. It helps the body eliminate harmful chemicals and boost collagen production that promotes healthy skin with a healthy glow.

  • Saffron

It’s a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin cells and the immune system against free radicals and oxidative stress. It also promotes excellent digestion that improves skin condition, keeping infections at bay.

  • Whole oats

Oats are fully packed with fiber that aid in better digestion and promote a healthy gut. It contains rich amounts of zinc, vitamin E, and silica that combine to provide nutrition to skin cells and promote healthy and glowing skin. You can also add some dry fruits like almonds and seeds like flax seeds to prepare a delicious meal.

  • Pears

Pears have soluble and insoluble fiber that is anti-inflammatory, reducing the symptoms of inflammatory diseases. Pear juice containing beets and carrots enhances the anti-inflammatory effect on the immune system and skin.