5 Foods to Avoid for Heavy Sweating

5 Foods to Avoid for Heavy Sweating

Sweating is a result of many factors, including physical activity, warm weather, certain emotions like fear and anger, and stress. Excessive sweating, which is known as hyperhidrosis in the medical world, is when excessive sweating occurs without any of these common factors triggering it. While there are several ways to control excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, some foods might trigger the condition.

The following are a few foods and beverages that can cause excessive sweating and should be avoided by people with hyperhidrosis:

Salt is the most commonly consumed food that makes the body sweat a lot. Excess salt is disposed of by the body through sweat and urine. Any food that has a large amount of sodium should be avoided by people with hyperhidrosis. Apart from helping manage excessive sweating, consuming less salt promotes heart health.

Caffeine-rich foods and beverages
While coffee is a great way to get you up and going for the day, caffeinated foods and beverages can also cause excessive sweating. Coffee instantly puts the nervous system in action and increases the heart rate, resulting in the blood pressure shooting up. As a result, the body activates the sweat glands. The internal body temperature also rises as a result of the heat produced by coffee, so the pores in the skin open up further, causing excessive sweating. If one tends to sweat a lot, they should limit their intake of coffee as well as energy drinks.

Processed foods
Excessive sweating is one of the several health problems caused by the consumption of junk food. Processed foods, junk food, and foods with fatty components have low or no fiber content, which makes them difficult to digest. The body must work much harder to digest these foods, so it produces more sweat as the temperature rises. People prone to profuse sweating should cut down their intake of fatty processed foods and junk.

Spicy foods
Instant perspiration is caused by spicy food, so people with hyperhidrosis are suggested not to have very spicy food regularly. Capsaicin is an active compound in peppers, which is mostly used to add heat and spice to foods, is responsible for the burning sensation we feel when we taste something spicy. The compound makes the body warmer and prompts the sweat glands to start cooling the body. So, spicy foods are definitely on the list of foods that can cause excessive sweating.

Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol shoots up the heart rate and causes the body to heat up. As a result, the body’s cooling mechanism gets into action and causes excessive sweating to bring the body temperature down. Many people sweat while consuming alcohol even if they’re not involved in some other physical activity, so it’s best avoided by people with this condition.