Treatments and Therapies to Help Manage Multiple Sclerosis

Treatments and Therapies to Help Manage Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. The immune system eats away the protective layer of the nerves in people with this condition, and the damaged nerve disrupts the communication between the nerves and the brain. This can also result in deterioration or cause permanent damage to the central nervous system. The disease cannot be cured, but there are several treatment methods and therapies that help treat MS:

Treatments for MS
The treatment of MS mainly focuses on speeding up the recovery process and slowing the progression of the disease while managing the symptoms. The line of treatment for MS includes:

  • Injectables
    Interferon-beta medication and glatiramer acetate are injectable medications that are used to reduce the frequency of relapses. They also block the system’s attacks on the protective layering of the nerves. These are commonly prescribed medications for MS patients and are injected beneath the skin.
  • Oral medication
    Oral medicines for MS are given once a day daily, and these prescriptive medications help reduce the symptoms of and control Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS).
  • Infusions
    Infusion treatments help reduce the progression of the disease or block the potential movement of immune blood cells that causes damage to the central nervous system.

Therapies that help treat MS
The therapies that help treat MS don’t cure the condition but are helpful if undertaken along the regular line of treatment. Some therapies that are known to effectively treat MS are:

  • Physical therapy
    Physical therapy includes stretching and strengthening exercises that help patients manage leg weakness and other MS-related problems.
  • Massage therapy
    Regular massage therapy helps reduce stress-induced depression. It relaxes the muscles and reduces the tension in the muscles.
  • Acupuncture therapy
    This is the process of placing needles at various pressure points in the body to help relieve muscle spasms or even pain. This is known to be beneficial for MS patients.
  • Exercising and yoga
    Doing exercises and yoga alongside undergoing regular treatment is extremely beneficial for people with MS. This is because physical activity reduces stress levels, relaxes the muscles, and is said to increase balance and energy and contain the progression of the symptoms.
  • Eating right
    Eating the right proportions of nutritious food is of utmost importance for people with any health issue, and MS is no different. Nutritious food helps relieve fatigue, promotes regular bladder and bowel movements, strengthens the heart, and improves muscle strength.

These are some of the effective treatment methods and therapies that help treat MS. This neurodegenerative disease cannot be cured, but treatments and therapies can contain its progression and reduce the symptoms and relapses. It is important for patients to keep a positive outlook to ease stress and help their bodies fight the disease better.