Lifestyle Tips to Manage Colon Cancer

Lifestyle Tips to Manage Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is cancer that begins in the large intestine, which is the last part of the digestive tract. It can lead to a tumor formation in the inner walls of the large intestine. It is the third most common type of cancer in males and the fourth in females in the USA. Given below are some lifestyle changes to manage colon cancer and prevent a relapse of this disease.

  • Quit smoking
    Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Not only do smokers have a higher risk of developing colon cancer, but they also are more prone to dying from it. Quitting smoking helps in reducing the risk of progression of the disease. The body system will improve when you make this important choice.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol
    The consumption of alcohol has been linked to a greater risk of developing or aggravating colon cancer. The evidence for this is generally stronger in men than in women. So, avoid alcoholic beverages if you suffer from this disease.
  • Eat healthy food
    Eating a nutritious diet that is rich in fiber and whole grains is imperative. Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, and pecans are particularly beneficial. Diets that include lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains help manage colon cancer. Avoid eating red meat because it increases the risk of aggravating colorectal cancer.
  • Choose less fatty foods
    A fatty diet introduces more amounts of acid into your intestine, which damages the cell and helps the cancerous tumor to grow. You should always eat low-fat products and increase the intake of omega-3 fats that you would find in walnuts and canola oil.
  • Exercise regularly
    Thirty minutes of exercise or walking can boost your immune system and help keep colon cancer under control. Having an active lifestyle is a change you must make as it is said to reduce the risk of colon cancer and improve your quality of life and physical functioning. It can also show fewer fatigue symptoms. If you are less physically active, you may have a significant chance of developing colon or aggravating rectal cancer.
  • Maintain a healthful body weight
    Being overweight increases the risk of aggravating colorectal cancer. Eating healthy and exercising daily helps you maintain a healthy and ideal body weight. It also decreases the risk of the condition becoming fatal. Plant foods are a good source of phytochemicals, which helps immensely in managing colon cancer.

These are some lifestyle changes to manage colon cancer and help prevent the relapse of this disease. With advancing times, individuals have started to better understand the ways to deal with the changes that take place due to colon cancer. By following these simple routine practices, you can enjoy a good-quality life despite undergoing treatment for the disease.