7 Effective Home Remedies to Manage Gout

7 Effective Home Remedies to Manage Gout

People who are diagnosed with gout have high levels of uric acid in their blood. They need to keep an eye on their eating habits. With a proper diet, it is possible to control high uric acid levels.

So, let us take a look at the most effective home remedies to control high levels of uric acid:

  • Apple cider vinegar
    Those who have high levels of uric acid should increase their intake of apple cider vinegar. All they need to do is add three teaspoons of vinegar with one glass of water and have about two to three cups daily.
  • Apples
    Apples, as we all know, are very good for our health. Many people do not know that apples are also very useful in lowering the uric acid level in a person’s body.
  • Water
    We have always been advised to have an adequate amount of water daily. This is because water is essential to clear out the toxins present in our bodies. It is also instrumental in lowering uric acid levels too.
  • French bean juice
    One of the most effective remedies to treat high uric acid levels is to extract the juice of French bean juice. This juice is recommended to be had twice a day, which helps lower the production of uric acid.
  • Vegetable juice
    Vegetable juices are also considered to be very healthy for the body. One of the most effective juices is beetroot juice and carrot juice, which is very important in treating high uric acid levels.
  • Berries
    One of the most effective remedies for lowering uric acid levels is to include a lot of berries in your diet, with blueberries and strawberries being the most important. This is because these berries contain anti-inflammatory properties, which help lower the body’s uric acid levels.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C
    It is a known fact that a diet that is rich in vitamin C will help a person who is suffering from high levels of uric acid in their body. This diet includes oranges, kiwi, guava, tomato, lemon, and other green vegetables. What these foods do is they help in disintegrating the uric acid in the body, which then flushes out. This is why it is essential to include foods that are rich in vitamin C.

So, these were some of the most effective home remedies to control high levels of uric acid.