5 Recommended Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage Cervical Cancer

5 Recommended Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage Cervical Cancer

After being diagnosed with cervical cancer, there is a lot you need to learn to cope with. It takes a toll on your mental and physical wellbeing trying to keep up with the medications and the appointments alone. However, all you need to do is make small lifestyle changes to help manage cervical cancer effectively.

Here are some tips to help you get a head start. 

Manage your diet
Work with your doctor to decide the best treatment for you. It may be a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, among other things. However, these treatment options can have side effects such as loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, and even weight gain. The best way to heal faster, manage the side effects, and lower your chances of infection is to include rich foods in your diet. Therefore, supplement your diet with foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables. Additionally, you must also ensure that you get plenty of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals through your meals. 

Exercise daily
These treatments may make you feel tired and stressed. Therefore, consider discussing with your doctor about an exercise routine that you can follow along with your treatment. Upon approval from your doctor, even a low-impact 30 minutes of brisk walking a day will make a huge difference in the way you feel. 

Consider estrogen replacement therapy
If you are undergoing chemotherapy as a treatment for cervical cancer, then you may experience sexual side effects such as loss of libido and vaginal dryness. This usually happens because chemotherapy impacts your ovaries’ ability to produce estrogen. In that case, your doctor can recommend estrogen replacement therapy or an estrogen cream to cope with these issues. 

Cope with physical side effects
Many people worry about their outward appearance once they start cancer treatment. Some medications can affect the way you look that can adversely impact the way you feel about yourself. However, learning to deal with the physical side effects will help you cope with it with a better mind frame.  

Consider counseling
The best way to cope with the emotional and social side effects of cancer treatment is by talking to the professionals. This will help you stay focused and positive about your treatment and also allow you to deal with emotions such as anxiety, anger, and stress. You can also talk to a support group to manage these ill effects. 

Cervical cancer is a disease that can affect anyone. These recommended lifestyle changes to help manage cervical cancer have been proven for their efficiency. So, work closely with the healthcare teams and your doctor to incorporate these changes in your life and overcome the condition with a more confident attitude.