5 Alternative Remedies for Dry Eyes

5 Alternative Remedies for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is a fairly common condition in the country. It is a condition in which the eyes’ tear glands do not produce enough lubrication to keep the eyes hydrated. This can cause a lot of discomfort. It is recommended that you see an eye doctor for dry eyes.

In the meantime, here are some alternative remedies for dry eyes to follow:

  • Take a break from the screen
    If you use your laptop or smartphone too much, it is time to take a break from the screen. The constant staring at these screens can put unnecessary pressure on your eyes. It can also lead to dry eyes. So, take frequent breaks and look out of the window at work or home to relax your eyes.
  • Increase the number of times you blink
    We often do not blink enough. Blinking is known to promote eye health overall. So make sure to take time to blink each day for your eye health. Do a blinking activity every day between work. Close your eyes for two seconds or so and then open them. Repeat it the second time but now, squeeze the eyelids slightly. Repeat this often throughout the day.
  • Sleep well every day
    Lack of sleep can lead to the onset of dry eyes. Therefore, getting enough sleep is one of the most common alternative remedies for dry eyes to practice. If you are unable to sleep or have insomnia, do speak to your doctor about your condition. Try to avoid keeping a TV in your bedroom and avoid drinking coffee before bedtime. Keep a fixed routine to sleep every day, and you will notice improved eye health.
  • Stay hydrated
    Water is essential for our overall health. You must drink at least 8 or 10 glasses of water daily for your eyes to stay lubricated. If you forget to drink water, you can keep a timer or an alarm on your smartphone to remind you to drink water at regular intervals in the day. Drink enough water, and you will notice an improvement in overall health.
  • Ask your doctor for gels and eye drops
    Eye gels and eye drops can generate lubrication in your eyes. If you have a problem with dry eyes, ask your doctor to recommend gels and drops that you can use. Do make sure to follow the doctor’s advice for how often you need to use these gels and drops. They might disturb your vision temporarily, so avoid using them at work or when driving.

If none of these remedies help you, it might be time to get professional help from the doctor to treat your condition. Do make sure to see a doctor if dry eyes are accompanied by other symptoms like flaking, swelling, and so on. Remember that these alternative remedies for dry eyes are not a substitute for professional treatment.